Courses for Exchange Students
Below are the links to courses offered to exchange students.
Semester 1
Semester 1 is typically from September to January every year.
- IBG102/3 Biology for Technologists
- IBK104/3 Fundamentals of Bioprocess Technology
- IEG101/3 Introduction to Environmental Science
- IEK101/3 Chemical Process Calculations
- IUK191/4 Mathematics I
- IMK103/2 Introduction to Food Science and Technology
- IUK107/4 Chemistry for Technologist
- IUK108/4 Statistic with Computer Applications
- IWK100/2 Bioresource as Industrial Raw Materials
- IWK102/2 Basic Bioresource Science and Technology
- IBG205/3 DNA and Metabolite Technology
- IBG207/3 Cell and Tissue Culture Technology
- IBG211/3 Bioanalysis II
- IEA202/2 Environmental Bioindicators
- IEA216/3 Computer Applications in Industry
- IEK212/3 Process Heat Transfer
- IEK218/3 Treatment and Management of Solid Wastes
- IMK221/3 Food Ingredient
- IMK225/3 Unit Operation in Food Processing
- IMG203/3 Chemical Food Analysis
- IMG222/3 Food Microbiology II
- IWA281/2 Coatings Technology Laboratory I
- IWA282/2 Bioresource Technology Laboratory I
- IWK201/4 Raw Materials and Coatings Chemistry
- IWK203/4 Stock Preparation and Papermaking
- IBA317/3 Practical in Bioreactor System
- IBG307/3 Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation
- IBK312/3 Issues in Bioprocess Technology
- IBK314/3 Downstream Process Technology
- IBK315/2 Bioinformatics
- IBK316/3 Food Bioprocess Technology
- IMG322/2 Food Sensory Evaluation
- IMG324/4 Processing Technology of Plant-Based Product
- IMK316/3 Food Quality Management and Food Regulations
- IMK319/2 Nutrition
- IMK320/3 Functional Foods
- IWA382/2 Bioresource Technology Laboratory II
- IWA383/2 Paper Technology Laboratory II
- IWK301/3 Coatings Process and Equipment
- IWK304/3 Furniture Manufacturing
- IWK307/2 Advanced Paper Technology - Instrumental Analysis for Pulp and Paper
- IBA405/3 Practical in Downstream Processing
- IBK402/4 Bioproduct Development
- IBK412/3 Environmental Bioprocess Technology
- IEK409/3 Chemodynamics
- IEK414/3 Environmental Audit
- IMA404/3 Food Product Development
- IMG405/3 Food Packaging
- IMK407/3 Food Safety
- IMK421/2 Primary Product Technology
Semester 2
Semester 2 is typically from February to June every year.
- IBG112/3 Bioanalysis I
- IBG111/3 Industrial Microbiology
- IEA112/4 Society and Environment Project
- IEG104/3 Introduction to Environmental Technology
- IEK108/3 Process Fluid Mechanics
- IEK115/3 Environment, Safety and Health Legislation
- IMG103/3 Food Chemistry
- IMG111/3 Food Microbiology I
- IMK105/2 Biochemistry
- IMK106/2 Introduction to Food Engineering
- IMK113/3 Management of Halal Food
- IWK101/4 Basic Coatings Technology
- IWK103/4 Pulp Production and Paper Recycling
- IWK105/4 Bioresource Based Products
- IBG213/4 Bioreactor Operation
- IBG214/4 Enzyme Technology
- IBK212/2 Renewable Biomass
- IBK216/2 Bioprocess Instrumentation and Control
- IEA201/2 Unit Operations Laboratory
- IEK205/3 Air Pollution Control Technology
- IEK211/3 Equipment Design for Water Treatment
- IEK213/3 Mass Transfer Separation and Processes
- IEK217/3 Environmental Management
- IEK219/3 Treatment and Management of Scheduled Wastes
- IMG204/3 Instrumental Food Analysis
- IMG223/4 Processing Technology of Animal-Based Food Products
- IMK209/2 Physical Properties of Food
- IMK226/2 Post Harvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables
- IUK208/3 Experimental Design with Computer Applications
- IUK291/4 Mathematics II
- IWK205/3 Additives and Paper Properties
- IWA283/2 Paper Technology Laboratory I
- IWK204/3 Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Product Development
- IEA300/3 Environmental Technology Laboratory
- IEK307/3 Noise and Vibration Control Technology
- IEK308/3 Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
- IEK315/3 Indoor Environment
- IEG301/3 Environmental Forensics
- IUK303/3 Industrial Waste Management
- IWA381/2 Coatings Technology Laboratory II
- IWK305/2 Advanced Technology of Coatings
- IWK306/2 Fibre and Lignocellulosic Composite
- IWK308/3 Mechanics of Structural Materials
- IBK411/3 Quality Assurance and Safety of Bioprocess Product
- IMK410/3 Food Borne Pathogens
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