School of Industrial Technology
FUNDRAISING (Entitle for 100% single deduction (Subsection 44(6) Income Tax Act 1967))
The School of Industrial Technology, USM takes the initiative to establish a fund named Tabung Dana Endowmen PPTI, with the aim to directly support targeted students, who are facing financial pressure, to complete their tertiary study. The fund also supports organizing students’ development activities for enhancing their soft skills and other personal capacities.
You can help them to develop futher...
This fund is established to grant financial aid for B40 students from the School of Industrial Technology directly and effectivel
Student Development Activities Fund
This fund supports student cultural- and awareness-based activities to foster their thought, ideas and soft skills for efficient national workforce development.
This fund provides financial support to both undergraduate and postgraduate students through scholarships, which aims to encourage outstanding students to complete their tertiary education without financial stress and to fulfil the nation needs on highly skilled talent development.
*Company can deal directly with LHDNM for 200% tax deduction, which is subjected to terms and conditions stated by P.U.(A) 49 (2022).