Research Facilities
Research Facility Rental
Students, collaborators, and external parties can analyze their samples by renting our research facility.
Physical Analysis
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Bomb Calorimeter
- Density Profiler
- Particle Analyzer
- Scanning Electron Microscope
Elemental Analysis
- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Flame/Graphite
- CHN Analyzer
- Inductive Couple Plasma - Optical Emission Spectroscopy
Chromatography Analysis
- Gas Chromatography - FID/EDC
- Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography - UV-Vis Detector
Thermal Analysis
The School receives tremendous support in research grants and funding from the government and non-governmental bodies. They include the Kuok Foundation, Sarawak Government, Sabutek, Sarawak Pepper Marketing Board, European Union (EU), Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), JIRCAS, Toray, DANCED, and MOSTI. The laboratories are well equipped with the latest analytical and processing equipment to support diverse and advanced research programmes.
- The Food Tech laboratories are equipped with the latest food processing instruments, microbiology, chemical analysis, sensory and texture studies.
- Food Processing Lab
- Food Instrumental Analysis Lab
- Food Chemical Analysis Lab
- The BPC Tech laboratories are equipped with wood anatomical equipment, wood durability analyser, wood protection equipment, rheological measurement, plywood, particleboard, and fibreboard processing equipment. Papermaking machines and equipment for surface coatings are also available.
- Furniture Workshop
- Pulp and Paper Testing Lab
- Coatings Lab
- Thermal Testing Lab
- The Env Tech laboratories are equipped with bioremediation equipment, a pilot plant for industrial wastewater, a pilot plant for domestic sewage, water, heavy metal testing equipment, dust, particulate, noise, and vibration testing equipment.
- Energy Testing Unit
- An eddy covariance flux and meteorological station monitor environmental parameters. You can view the real-time data at
- The Bioprocess Tech facilities comprise the following laboratories fitted with instruments related to the biotechnology field:
- Cell Culture Lab
- Fermentation Technology Lab
- Microalgae Lab
- The Centralized Lab collects laboratories with high-end analytical instruments such as ICP-OES, AAS, and HPLC. The fees for using this equipment are downloadable using this link.
- The Ibn Hayyan Lab houses state-of-the-art equipment such as the Calorimeter Tristimulus, Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Gas Chromatography, Rheometer, Texture Analyser, and UV VIS Spectrophotometer.
The use of laboratories and facilities is subject to guidelines. The Bahasa Malaysia version is available here.
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