School of Industrial Technology

Mohamad Haafiz Mohamad Kassim

 Mohamad Haafiz   Mohamad Haafiz Mohamad Kassim
  Ext: 2203


M.K. Mohamad Haafiz is an alumnus of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bachelor of Technology (Honour) in Bioresources, Paper and Coating (BPC). Then, he joined his alma mater as a Fellow of Academic Staff Training Scheme (ASTS), a turning point for his scholarship; Master (MS.c) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D). As well, he has a Diploma in Wood Industry from Universiti Teknologi Mara (September 2005).

He was trained by Prof. Dr Wan Rosli Wan Daud during his Masters, working on the production and characterization of cellulose phosphate from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) as potential biomaterial.

In November 2011, M.K.Mohamad Haafiz pursued his Ph.D in Polymer Engineerig at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) with great mentorship from Prof. Dr. Azman Hassan. His work was on the isolation of microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose nanowhiskers from OPEFB.

Related SDGs

 Mohamad Haafiz v2



  • IWK 105: Bioresources based product
  • IWA 282:  Bioresource Technology Laboratory I
  • IWA 383: Paper Technology Laboratory II
  • IWK 307: Furniture Manufacturing
  • IWK 205: Chemical Additives & Paper Properties
  • HTV 201: Teknik Berfikir




  • Isolation and optimization of microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose nanowhiskers from biomass
  • Cellulose and cellulose derivatives
  • Pulp and paper making
  • Production of green nanocomposite
  • Development of regenerated cellulose (RC) from oil palm biomass for food packaging
  • Hemicellulose based  micro&nano composites film for biomedical application


National (at national level)




  • Evaluate the process parameter conditions on mechanical, physical, thermal and barrier properties of regenerated cellulose obtained from oil palm empty fruit bunch microcrystalline cellulose




  • Theoretical prediction on tensile properties of natural fibre woven fabric-PLA composites using modified rule of mixtures


  • Compability Study of Bamboo Cellulosic Fibers-Seaweed Biodegradable Composites



  • An Environmental Forensic Study of Flood Aftermath in Kelantan: Stable Isotope Constraints

     University (USM)


  • Optimization of Acid Hydrolysis Process Parameters on The Isolation of Microcystalline Cellulose From Oil palm Empty Fruit Bunches Using Respone Surface Methodology for Use in Composite Application



  • Biodegradable Superabsorbent hydrogel From Oil Palm Nanocellulose Crystals
  • Cellulosic Nanofiber by Isolation Process "Green Technology" as Reinforcement in Bionanocomposite for Packaging Applications
  • Flame Retardent Particleboard From Waste Natural Resources (Rice Husk and Oil Palm Trunk)
  • Thermoforming of Renewable Resource Based Biocomposites from Bamboo Fibers and Poly (Lactic) Acid (PLA) Biopolymer


  • Drug-Intercalated Layered Hydroxides Salts Modified with Naturally-Occurring Polymers for Controlled Release Formulations
  • Water and Carbon Cycles In Tropical River Basin Of Malaysia: Its Significance To Regional Climate-Hydrology System


               PhD Candidate:



    • Reza Arjmandi 
    • Noor Afeefah Nordin

               MSc Candidate:


    • Tuan Muhamad Hassan Tuan Hamzah
    • Nadhilah Binti Muhammad Razak


    • Nadia Binti Johari
    • Nurin Syahindah Syasya Binti Nor Ashikin
    • Nurhanina Ayu bt Husin


Main Supervisor

    • Tuan Muhamad Hassan Bin Tuan Hamzah(2014/2015)
    • Muhamad Hafiz Aiman Bin Ab Rahman (2015/2016))
    • Melina Cheah Mei Yi, (2015/2016),
    • Nur Wahidah Binti Mohd Nadzr (2015/2016)
    • Nur Syazana Dalila Binti Ismail (2016/2017)
    • Airil Hakim Bin Abd Talib (2016/2017)




Journal: ISI & Scopus


1) Wan Rosli, W.D., Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., and Azman, S., 2011. Cellulose Phosphate from Oil Palm Biomass as Potential Biomaterials. BioResources 6(2), 1719-1740.


1) Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Eichhorn, S.J., Azman Hassan, Jawaid, M., 2013. Isolation and characterization of microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm biomass residue. Carbohydrate Polymers 93, 628- 634.

2) Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Azman Hassan, Zainoha Zakaria, Inuwa, I.M., Islam, M.S., Jawaid, M., 2013. Properties of polylactic acid composites reinforced with oil palmbiomass microcrystalline cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers 98,139-145.

3) Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Azman Hassan., Zainoha Zakaria, Inuwa, I.M., Islam, M.S., 2013. Physicochemical characterization of cellulose nanowhiskers extracted from oil palm biomass microcrystalline cellulose. Materials Letters 113, 87-89.

4) Zainoha Zakaria, Md. Saiful Islam, Azman Hassan, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Reza Arjmandi, I. M. Inuwa, M. Hasan., 2013. Mechanical Properties and Morphological Characterization of PLA/Chitosan/Epoxidized Natural Rubber Composites. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 2013, Article ID 629092, 7 pages.


1) Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Azman Hassan., Zainoha Zakaria., Inuwa, I.M., 2014. Isolation and characterization of cellulose nanowhiskers from oilpalm biomass microcrystalline cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers 103, 119-125.

2) Abu Saleh Ahmed, Md. Saiful Islam, Azman Hassan, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Kh.Nurul Islam, Reza Arjmandi 2014. Impact of Succinic Anhydride on the Properties of Jute Fiber/Polypropylene Biocomposites. Fibers and Polymers 15, (2), 307-314.

3) Inuwa, I. M., Azman Hassan, Samsudin,S. A., Mohamad Haafiz,M.K., Jawaid, M., Majeed, K., Abdul Razak, N. C., 2014. Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Exfoliated Graphite Nanoplatelets Reinforced Polyethylene Terephthalate/Polypropylene Composites. J. APPL. POLYM. SCI, DOI: 10.1002/APP.40582

4) Inuwa,I. M., Azman Hassan.,Samsudin,S.A., Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Jawaid, M., 2014. Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Exfoliated Graphite Nanoplatelets Reinforced Polyethylene Terephthalate/Polypropylene Composites. POLYM. COMPOS., 00:000–000.

5) Syazeven Effatin Azma Mohd Asri, Zainoha Zakaria, Azman Hassan, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz (2014). Effect of fermented chitin nanowhiskers on properties of polylactic acid biocomposite films .The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 18, (2), 385-390.

6) Syazeven Effatin Azma Mohd Asri, Zainoha Zakaria, Azman Hassan, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz (2014). Mechanical Properties of Polylactic Acid/Treated Fermented Chitin Nanowhiskers Biocomposites. Applied Mechanics and Materials 606, 89-92

7) Mohamad Haafiz, M.K.; Azman Hassan (2014). Microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunches as fillers in polylactid acid. Sains Malaysiana, Accepted, 2014.

8) Inuwa, I.M., Azman Hassan., De-Yi Wang., Samsudin, S.A., Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Wong, S.L.; Jawaid,M.; (2014). Influence of exfoliated graphite nanoplateletson the flammability and thermal properties of polyethylene terephthalate/polypropylene nanocomposites. Polymer Degradation and Stability, Accepted, 2014.

9) Md. Saiful Islam, Sinin Hamdan, Mansor B. Ahmad, Mahbub Hasan, Azman Hassan, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz, M. Jawaid (2014). Effect of PVA-co-MMA copolymer on the physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of tropical wood materials. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Accepted, 2014.


1) MS. Islam, MB. Ahmad, M. Hasan, SA. Aziz, M. Jawaid, M.K.Mohamad Haafiz, Siti AH Zakaria (2015).Natural Fiber-Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposites: Effect of Fiber Mixing and Nanoclay on Physical, Mechanical, and Biodegradable Properties.BioResources 10 (1), 1394-1407.

2) R.Arjmandi, A. Hassan, SJ. Eichhorn, M.K.Mohamad Haafiz, Z. Zakaria, FA. Tanjung (2015) Enhanced ductility and tensile properties of hybrid montmorillonite/cellulose nanowhiskers reinforced polylactic acid nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Science 50 (8), 3118-3130.

3) M.S. Islam, Z.A. Talib, M. Hasan, I. Ramli, M.K.Mohamad Haafiz, M. Jawaid, A. Islam, I.M. Inuwa (2015). Evaluation of Mechanical, Morphological, and Biodegradable Properties of Hybrid Natural Fiber Polymer Nanocomposites. POLYM. COMPOS., 00:000–000, 2015.

4) Md Saiful Islam, Nur Atiqa Binti Hasbullah, Mahbub Hasan, Zainal Abidin Talib, M Jawaid, MK. Mohamad Haafiz (2015). Physical, Mechanical and Biodegradable Properties of Kenaf/Coir Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites. Materials Today Communications.

5) Ibrahim M. Inuwa, Azman Hassan, Sani A. Samsudin, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz, Mohammed Jawaid (2015). Interface Modification of Compatibilized Polyethylene Terephthalate/Polypropylene Blends: Effect of Compatibilization on Thermomechanical Properties and Thermal Stability. J. VINYL ADDIT. TECHNOL., 00:000–000, 2015.

6) Yalda Davoudpour, Sohrab Hossain (Md.), H.P.S. Abdul Khalil, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Z.A. Mohd Ishak, Azman Hassan, Zaidul Islam Sarker (Md.) (2015). Optimization of high pressure homogenization parameters for theisolation of cellulosic nanofibers using response surface methodology. Industrial Crops and Products 74 (2015) 381–387

7) M. R. Nurul Fazita, Krishnan Jayaraman, Debes Bhattacharyya, Md. Sohrab Hossain, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, H. P. S. Abdul Khalil (2015). Disposal options of bamboo fabric reinforced poly (lactic) acid composites for sustainable packaging: Biodegradability and recyclability. Polymers 7(8), 1476-1496

8) M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan , H.P.S. Abdul Khalil, Imran Khan, Inuwa I.M., Md. Saiful Islam , Md. Sohrab Hossain, M.I.Syakir and M. R. Nurul Fazita (2015) Bionanocomposite based on cellulose nanowhisker from oil palm biomass-filled poly(lactic acid), Polymer Testing, 48, 133-139.

9) Reza Arjmandi, Azman Hassan*, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz** and Zainoha Zakaria, Partial replacement effect of montmorillonite with cellulosenanowhiskers on polylactic acid nanocomposites, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 81, , 91-99

10) Reza Arjmandi, Azman Hassan*, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz* And Zainoha Zakaria, Effect of Microcrystalline Cellulose on Biodegradability, Tensile and Morphological Properties of Montmorillonite Reinforced Polylactic Acid Nanocomposites, Fibers and Polymers, 2015, 16, 10, 2284-2293

11) Reza Arjmandi, Azman Hassan*, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz and Zainoha Zakaria, Tensile and Morphological Properties of Hybrid Montmorillonite/Microcrystalline Cellulose Filled Polylactic Acid Composites: Effect of Filler Ratio, Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1125, 271-275

12) Azman Hassan*, Reza Arjmandi and M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Cellulose Nanowhiskers Reinforced Green Nanocomposites: Some Recent Development, Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1125,217-221


1. M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan, H.P.S. Abdul Khalil, M.R. Nurul Fazita, Md. Saiful Islam, I.M. Inuwa, M.M Marliana, M. Hazwan Hussin (2016) Exploring the effect of cellulose nanowhiskers isolated from oil palm biomass on polylactic acid properties, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 85, 370-378.

2. R Arjmandi, A Hassan, M.K.Mohamad Haafiz, Z Zakaria, MS Islam (2016). Effect of hydrolysed cellulose nanowhiskers on properties of montmorillonite/polylactic acid nanocomposites. International journal of biological macromolecules 82, 998-1010.

3. NA Sri Aprilia, Y Davoudpour, W Zulqarnain, HPS Abdul Khalil, CI Che Mohamad Hazwan, MS Hossain, Rudi Dungani, HM Fizree, A Zaidon, MK Mohamad Haafiz (2016). Physicochemical Characterization of Microcrystalline Cellulose Extracted from Kenaf Bast, BioResources,11(2), 3875-3889

4. Marliana M.Mahadar, Azman Hassan,Nor Yuziah M.Y, Abdul Khalil H.P.S, and Mohamad Haafiz M.K. (2016).Thermal Properties and Mechanical Performance of Unsaturated Polyester/Phenolic Blends Reinforced by Kenaf Fiber. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1134 (2016) pp 61-65

5. Abdul Khalil H.P.S, Chaturbhuj K. Saurabh, Adnan A.S., M.R. Nurul Fazitaa, M.I. Syakir, Davoudpoura,Y, M. Rafatullah, C.K. Abdullah, M.K. Mohamad. Haafiz, R. Dungani (2016). A review on chitosan-cellulose blends and nanocellulose reinforced chitosan biocomposites: Properties and their applications. Carbohydrate Polymers 150, 216-226.

6. M. Hazwan Hussin, Nurul Aqilah Pohan, Zaharaddeen N. Garba, M. Jain Kassim, Afidah Abdul Rahim, Nicolas Brosse, Mehdi Yemloul, M.R. Nurul Fazita, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz (2016). Physicochemical of microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm fronds as potential methylene blue adsorbents. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 92, 11–19.

7. H.P.S.AbdulKhalil, Y.Davoudpour , Chaturbhuj K.Saurabh, Md.S.Hossain, A.S Adnan, R.Dungani, M.T.Paridah, Md. Z. Islam Sarker, M.R Nurul Fazita, M.I Syakir, M.K.Mohamad Haafiz (2016). A review on nanocellulosic fibres as new material for sustainable packaging:Process and applications Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64, 823-836.

8. M. M. Marliana, Azman Hassan, M. Y. Nor Yuziah, H. P. S. Abdul Khalil, I. M. Inuwa, M. I. Syakir, and M. K. Mohamad Haafiz (2016). Flame Retardancy, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester/Phenolic Composite. Fibers and Polymers,17,(6), 902-909.

9. M.R. Nurul Fazita, Krishnan Jayaraman, Debes Bhattacharyya, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz ,Chaturbhuj K. Saurabh, M. Hazwan Hussin, and Abdul Khalil H.P.S.(2016). Green Composites Made of Bamboo Fabric and Poly (Lactic) Acid for Packaging Applications-A Review. Materials, 9, 435-479.

10. Djalal Trache, M Hazwan Hussin, Caryn Tan Hui Chuin, Sumiyyah Sabar, MR Nurul Fazita, Owolabi FA Taiwo, TM Hassan, MK Mohamad Haafiz, Microcrystalline cellulose: isolation, characterization and bio-composites application:A review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 93, , 789-804.

11. Abdulwahab F. Owolabi, Arniza Ghazali, H. P. S. Abdul Khalil, Azman Hassan,Reza Arjmandi, M. R. Nurul Fazita, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz*, ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE FROM OIL PALM FRONDS USING CHEMOMECHANICAL PROCESS, Wood and Fiber Science, 2016, 48, 4, 1-11.

12. I. M. Inuwa, Reza Arjmandi, Akos Noel Ibrahim, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz, S. L. Wong, Khaliq Majeed, and Azman Hassan* , Enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid graphene nanoplatelets/multiwall carbon nanotubes reinforced polyethylene terephthalate nanocomposites, Fibers and Polymers, 2016, 17, , 1657-1666.

13. M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan, Reza Arjmandi, Zainoha Zakaria, M.M. Marliana, Muhammad I. Syakir and M.R. Nurul Fazita, Microcrystalline Cellulose From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches as Filler in Polylactic Acid, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2016, 24, 9, 675-680.

14. M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan, Reza Arjmandi, M.M. Marliana and M.R. Nurul Fazita, Exploring the Potentials of Nanocellulose Whiskers Derived From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch on the Development of Polylactid Acid Based Green Nanocomposites, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2016, 24, 9, 729-734.

15. Reza Arjmandi, Azman Hassan, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz and Zainoha Zakaria, Biodegradability and thermal Properties of Hybrid Montmorillonite/ Microcrystalline cellulose Filled Polylactic Acid composites: Effect of Filler ratio, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2016, 24, 9, 741-746.

 16. Abdul Khalil, H.P.S., Md. Sohrab Hossain, Nur Amiranajwa, A.S., Nurul Fazita, M.R., Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Suraya, N.l.M., Dungani, R. & Fizree, H.M., production and characterization of the defatted oil palm shell nanoparticles, sains malaysiana, 2016, 45, 5, 833-839.

17. Marliana M.Mahadar, Azman Hassan,Nor Yuziah M.Y, Abdul Khalil H.P.S, and Mohamad Haafiz M.K., Thermal Properties and Mechanical Performance of Unsaturated Polyester/Phenolic Blends Reinforced by Kenaf Fiber. , Advanced Materials Research, 2016, 1134, , 61-65.



Chapter in Book


  1. M.K.Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan, Abdul Khalil HPS, Md. Sohrab Hossain (2015). Comparing the effects of microcrystalline Cellulose and cellulose nanowhiskers extracted from oil palm empty fruit bunch on mechanical and thermal Properties of poly lactic acid (PLA) composites. Chapter in Fillers and Reinforcements for Advanced Nanocomposites. Woodhead Publishing Series In Composites Science And Engineering.
  2. N. A. Sri Aprilia*,H.P.S. Abdul Khalil,M. Dani Supardan,Adisalamun,Amri Amin, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, M.I.Syakir, M. R. Nurul Fazita (2015). Jatropha Curcas l. biomass raw materials: the current state and future potentialities, The promising future of Jatropha Curcas: Properties and Potential Applications.


1.Reza Arjmandi, Azman Hassan, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz and Zainoha Zakaria (2016). Effects of Micro- and Nano-cellulose on Tensile and Morphological Properties Montmorillonite Nanoclay Reinforced Polylactic Acid Nanocomposites Chapter in Nanoclay Reinforced Polymer Composites Natural Fibre/Nanoclay Hybrid CompositeS. Springer.

2. Mohd Asyraf Kassim, H.P.S Abdul Khalil, Muhammad Izzuddin Syakir, M.K Mohamad Haafiz, Nor Aziah Serri, N.A. Sri Aprila and YayanMaryana (2016). Irradiation Pretreatment of Tropical Biomass and Biofiber for Biofuel Production. Chapter in Radiation Effects in Materials. INTECH.

3.Muhammad Shahid Nazir, Mohamad Haafiz M. K, Lagnamayee Mohapatra,Mazhar Amjad Gilani, Muhammad Rafi Raza (2016). Characteristic Properties of Nanoclays and Characterization of Nanoparticulates and Nanocomposites Springer


International Conferences

  1. Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Wan Rosli, W.D., Azman,S.,and Eda, S., 2011. Apatite-Forming Ability of Cellulose Phosphate Gels from Biomass Residues in A Simulated Body Fluid (SBF). Proceeding of 4th USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium 2011. Biomass: Sustainable natural resource and innovation for greener future, Penang Malaysia.
  2. Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Azman Hassan. Microcrystalline Cellulose Isolated From Oil Palm Biomass As Filler In Polylactic Acid Composites. Malaysia Polymer International Conferences 2013 Hotel Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya.
  3. Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Wan Rosli, W.D., Azman, S.M., and Rohaizu R., 2010. Cellulose Phosphate as Biomaterial: Preliminary Study. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Bangkok, Thailand, doi: 10.3850/978-981-08-5716-5 T311.
  4. Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Inuwa, I.M. Characterization Of Polylactic Acid/Microcrystalline Cellulose/Montmorillonite Hybrid Composite. Malaysia Polymer International Conferences 2013 Hotel Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya.
  5. Syazeven Effatin Azma Mohd Asri, Zainoha Zakaria, Azman Hassan, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz. Effect of Fermented Chitin Nanowhiskers on Properties of Polylactic Acid Biocomposite Films. Malaysia Polymer International Conferences 2013 Hotel Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya.
  6. Syazeven Effatin Azma Mohd Asri,Zainoha Zakaria, Azman Hassan, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz. Mechanical Properties of Polylactic Acid/Treated Fermented Chitin Nanowhiskers Biocomposites. 1st International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference (Mimec 2013)Johor Bahru Malaysia
  7. Azman Hassan., Mohamad Haafiz., M.K.Polylactic Acid Nanocomposites Reinforced With Cellulose Nanowhiskers Isolated From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. Eccm16-16th European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville, Spain.
  8. R.Arjmandi, A. Hassan, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Zainoha Zakaria (2015). Tensile and morphological properties of hybrid montmorillonite/microcrystalline cellulose filled polylactic acid composites: Effect of filler ratio. 2nd International Materials, Industrial And Manufacturing Engineering Conference MIMEC 2015.Bali Indonesia.
  9. Marliana Mohd Mahadar, Azman Hassan, Nor Yuziah Mohd Yunus, Abdul Khalil H.P.S., Mohamad Haafiz Mohamad Kassim (2015). Thermal Properties and Mechanical Performance of Unsaturated Polyester/Phenolic Blends Reinforced by Kenaf Fibers. International Conference on Applied Sciences
    and Industrial Technology 2015. 25-26 February 20I5 Grand Lexis Pord Dickson, Malaysia.
  10.  M.K.Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan, M.M. Marliana, M.R.Nurul Fazita(2015). Exploring the Potentials of Nanocellulose Whiskers Derived From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch on the Development of Polylactid Acid Based Green Nanocomposites. Malaysia Polymer International Conference (MPIC 2015). 10-11 June 2015, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya
  11. M. R. Nurul Fazita, Krishnan Jayaraman, Debes Bhattacharyya, M. K. Mohamad Haafiz (2015).The Effect Of Stacking Sequences On The Impact Properties Of Bamboo Fabric-Pla Composites. Malaysia Polymer International Conference (MPIC 2015). 10-11 June 2015, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya (Co-author).
  12. Reza Arjmandi, Azman Hassan, M.K. Mohamad Haafiz and Zainoha Zakaria (2015). Biodegradability and Thermal Properties of Hybrid Montmorillonite/Microcrystalline Cellulose Filled Polylactic Acid Composites: Effect of Filler Ratio. Malaysia Polymer International Conference (MPIC 2015). 10-11 June 2015, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya (Co-author).



Invited Speaker:

  • Research and Career Guidance: Survival Kit After Graduation. Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Bengkel Penulisan Thesis dan Persembahan Viva, Persatuan Teknologi Industri, 2015, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Comparing the structure, morphology and thermal properties of micro and nanoscale cellulose from oil palm biomass, World Congress on Microscopy: Instrumentation Technique and Application in Life Science and Material Sciences, INTERNATIONAL UNIT ON MACROMELECULAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (IUMSE), 2015,Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam,Kerala India



 A. Academic Award

1. Chancellor's Award from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), in conjunction with 53rd UTM Convocation

2. Best  UTM Postgraduate Student 2014, in conjunction with 53rd UTM Convocation

3. Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2014 (Publication Category)

  • Title: Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Eichhorn, S.J., Azman Hassan, Jawaid, M., 2013. Isolation and  characterization of microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm biomass residue. Carbohydrate Polymers 93, 628- 634.
  • Title: Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Azman Hassan, Zainoha Zakaria, Inuwa, I.M., Islam, M.S., Jawaid, M., 2013. Properties of polylactic acid composites reinforced with oil palmbiomass microcrystalline cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers 98,139-145.

4. Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2011 (Publication Category)

  • Title: Wan Rosli, W.D., Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., and Azman, S., 2011. Cellulose Phosphate from Oil Palm Biomass as  Potential Biomaterials. BioResources 6(2), 1719-1740.

5. Anugerah Meric Tesis MS.c 2012 (Anugerah Penerbitan FRIM 2012 )

  • Title:  Cellulose Phosphate from Oil Palm Biomass as Potential Biomaterial

6. Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2015 (Publication Category)

  • Title: Mohamad Haafiz, M.K., Azman Hassan., Zainoha Zakaria., Inuwa, I.M., 2014. Isolation and characterization of cellulose nanowhiskers from oilpalm biomass microcrystalline cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers 103, 119-125.

7. Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2016  (Publication Category)

  • Title:M.K. Mohamad Haafiz, Azman Hassan , H.P.S. Abdul Khalil, Imran Khan, Inuwa I.M., Md. Saiful Islam , Md. Sohrab Hossain, M.I.Syakir and M. R. Nurul Fazita (2015) Bionanocomposite based on cellulose nanowhisker from oil palm biomass-filled poly(lactic acid), Polymer Testing, 48, 133-139.



  • Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition (INATEX 2015), SUPER SEE NW FOR GREEN TRANSPARENT FILM WITH ENHANCED PROPERTIES, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Azman Hassan, Reza Arjmandi, Mohamad Haafiz Mohamd Kassim & Zainoha Zakaria, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 17/12/2015, National



Community Services

  • Penang International Science Fair 2014 (Committee Members)
  • Paper recycling Awareness 2015 (Committee Members)
  • Hari Sukan Tadika Islam Peringkat kebangsaan 2015 (Sukarelawan)


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School of Industrial Technology, Building G07, Persiaran Sains, Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
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  • Last Modified: Thursday, 20 February 2025