School of Industrial Technology


Dr. Cheng Lai Hoong is a Lecturer in the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Her major field of study is Food Technology. She obtained her BTech and PhD from the Universiti Sains Malaysia. She teaches a broad based subject matter in food biochemistry, food analysis, food processing and preservation by moisture management, and industrial solid waste management.

Her research focus is in developing food products with added value and modification of food hydrocolloids with the aids of ultrasound.  She provides laboratory and consultancy for food analysis, e.g. nutritional labeling, colour measurement, rheological properties, and others. 



Main Current Research Areas:

  1. Food Analysis
  2. Food Product Development
  3. Food Processing


Courses on:

1. Processing Technology of Plant-based Food Products

2. Food Analysis


Total Ph.D. students graduated (as co-supervisor) = 4 persorns

     1. Zhang Qian    (As co-supervisor, Graduated in 2007)

         Title: Effect of direct alkalization on physicochemical properties of chicken breast meat powder

     2. Gan Chee Yuen   (As co-supervisor, Graduated in 2009)

         Title: Cross-Linking of Soy Protein Isolate Using Microbial Transglutaminase Followed by Ribose- Induced Maillard            Reaction

     3. Abdorreza Mohammadi Nafchi  (As Co-supervisor, Graduated in 2011)

          Title : Development of Composite Sago Starch Based Film as a Replacement for Gelatin Capsules

     4. Chong Li Choo (As Co-supervisor, Graduated in 2012)

         Title: Effects of pretreatment on the physicochemical properties and nutrition quality of Musa Acuminata x Balbisiana       Colla cv. Awak Flour


Total MSc. students graduated (as main supervisor) = 6 persorns  (5 as main supervisor, 1 as co-supervisor)

       1. Sim Sze Yin  (As Main Supervisor, Graduated in 2011)

          Title: Effects of Cryostabilizers and Cryoprotectant on Frozen Chinese Steamed Bread Dough

       2. Habilla Chapakiya (As Main Supervisor, Graduated in 2012)

          Title: Effects of Selected Non-Starch Polysaccharides and Bulk Sweeteners on The Properties of Acid-Thinned Strach     Jelly Candy.

      3. Wong Lee Min (As co-supervisor, Graduated in 2012)

        Title: Physico-Chemical Properties of Sponge Cake Made From  Wheat Flour Incorporated with Mango (Mangifera indica var. Chokanan) Pulp and Peel Flour.

       4. Chong Woei Tyng (As Main Supervisor, Graduated in 2014)

          Title: The Influence of Ultrasound on the Degree of Oxidation of Hypochlorite-oxidized Corn Starch

       5.  Kiang Wei Seng  (As Main Supervisor, Graduated in 2014)

          Title: Influences of Thermosonication Treatment on The Physicochemical Changes and Microbial Viability of Mango Nectar (Mangifera indica L cv Chok Anan)

        6. Seow Eng Keng (As Main Supervisor, Graduated 2015)

         Title: Differentiation between house and cave edible bird's nest by chemometric analysis of amino acids and minerals composition data


List of Publications:

Cheng, L.H., Abd Karim, A., Norziah, M.H. and Seow, C.C. (2002) Modification of the microstructural and physical properties of konjac glucomannan-based films by alkali and sodium carboxymethylcellulose. Food Research International, 35, 829-836.

Tanaka, R. and Cheng, L. H. (2005) Editor for Proceedings of 3rd USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium. (ISSN 1341-710X)).

Cheng, L.H., Abd Karim, A. and Seow, C.C. (2006). Effect of water-glycerol and water-sorbitol interactions on the physical properties of konjac glucomannan films. Journal of Food Science, 71(2), 62-97.

Cheng, L.H., Abd. Karim, A. and Seow, C.C. (2007). Effects of acid modification on physical properties of Konjac glucomannan (KGM) films. Food Chemistry, 103, 994-1002.

Cheng, L.H., Soh, C.Y., Liew, S.C. and Teh F. F. (2007). Effects of sonication and carbonation on guava juice quality. Food Chemistry, 104(4), 1396-1401.

Cheng, L.H., Abd Karim, A. and Seow, C.C. (2007). Characterization of composite films made of Konjac Glucomannan (KGM), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and lipid. Food Chemistry. 107, 411-418.

Cheng, L.H., Lim, B.L., Chow, K.H., Chong, S.M. and Chang, Y.C.(2008) Using fish gelatin and pectin to make low-fat spread. Food Hydrocolloid. 22, 1637-1640.

Zhang, Q., Noryati, I. and Cheng, L.H. (2008). Effects of pH on the functional properties of chicken breast muscle protein and modified waxy corn starch blend. Journal of Food Science, 73, 82-87.

Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H. and Mat Easa, A. (2008). Evaluation of microbial transglutaminase and ribose cross-linked soy protein isolated-based microcapsules containng fish oil. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 9, 563- 569.

Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H. & Easa, A.M. (2008).Physicochemical properties and microstructures of soy protein isolate gels produced using combined cross-linking treatments of microbial transglutaminase and Mailard cross-linking. Food Research International, 41:600-605.

Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., Phuah, E.T., Chin, P.N., Alkharkhi, A.F.M. & Easa, A.M. (2008). Combined cross-linking treatments of bovine serum albumin gel beadlets for controlled-delivery of caffeine. Food Hydrocolloids. 23, 1398- 1405.

Haslinda, W.H. Cheng, L.H., Chong, L.C. & Noor Aziah, A.A. (2009). Chemical composition and physicochemical properties of green banana (Musa acuminate x balbisiana Colla cv. Awak) flour. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 60(4), 232-239.

Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., Easa, A.M. (2009). Assessment of cross-linking combined cross-linked soy protein isolate gels by microbial transglutaminase and maillard reaction. Journal of Food Science, 74(2): C141-C146.

Gan, C.Y., Latiff, A.A., Cheng, L.H., Easa, A.M. (2009). Gelling of microbial transglutaminase cross-linked soy protein in the presence of ribose and sucrose. Food Research International, 42(10), 1373-1380.

Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., Azahari, B., Easa, A.M. ( 2009). In-vitro digestibility and amino acid composition of soy protein isolate cross-linked with microbial transglutaminase followed by heating with ribose. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 60, 99-108.

Zhang, Q. Ismail, N., Cheng, L.H. (2010). Flow behaviour and temperature stability of chicken muscle proteins – modified waxy corn starch blends. International Food Research Journal, 17(1), 137-145.

Cheng, L.H., Nur Halawiah, H., Lai, B.N., Yong, H.M., Ang, S.L. (2010). Ultrasound mediated acid hydrolysis of konjac glucomannan. International Food Research Journal, 17(4), 1043-1050.

Chapakiya, H., Sim, S.Y., Noor Aziah, A.A., Cheng, L.H. (2011). The properties of jelly candy made of acid thinned starch supplemented with konjac glucomannan or psyllium husk powder. International Food Research Journal, 18:213-220.

Sim, S.Y. , Noor Aziah A.A. and L. H. Cheng* (2011). Characteristics of wheat dough and Chinese steamed bread added with sodium alginates or konjac glucomannan.. Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 951-957.

Abdorreza, M.N., Cheng, L.H., Karim, A.A. (2011). Effects of plasticizers on thermal properties and heat sealability of sago starch films. Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 56-60.

Noor Aziah, A.A., Ho, L.H., Azahari, B., Bhat, R., Cheng, L.H. (2011) Chemical and functional properties of the native banana (Musa acuminate x balbisiana Colla cv. Awak) pseudo-stem and pseudo-stem tender core flours. Food Chemistry, 128, 748-753.

Sim, S.Y., Noor Aziah, A.A., Teng, T.T. (2011). Farinograph and extensograph properties of frozen dough added with psyllium husk powder or locust bean gums. Thai Journal of Agricultural Service, 44(5), 361-368.

Sim, S. Y., Noor Aziah, A.A., Teng, T.T., Cheng, L.H. (2012). Thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of frozen wheat flour dough added with selected food gums. International Food Research Journal, 19(1), 333-340.

Abdorreza, M.N., Robal, M., Cheng, L.H., Karim, A.A. (2012). Physicochemical, thermal, and rheological properties of acid-hydrolysed sago (Metroxylon sagu) starch. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 46, 135-141.

Kiang, W.S., Bhat, R., Rosma, A., Cheng, L.H. (2012). Effects of thermosonication on the fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Enteritidis in mango juice. Letters in Applied Microbiology.56, 251-257.

Chong, W.T., Uthumporn, U., Karim, A.A., Cheng, L.H. (2013). The influence of ultrasound on the degree of oxidation of hypochlorite-oxidize corn starch. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 50, 439-443

Sim, S. Y. Noor Aziah, A.A. and Cheng , L.H. (2013). Quality and functionality of Chinese steamed bread and dough added with selected non-starch polysaccharides. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s13197-013-0967-1.

Sim, S.Y. and Cheng, L.H. (In Press 2013). Effects of maltodextrin and trehalose on the physical properties of Chinese steamed bread made from frozen doughs. International Food Research Journal, 20(3), 1529-1535.

Chong, W.T.,Uthumporn, U., Karim, A.A., Cheng, L.H. (2013). The influence of ultrasound on
the degree of oxidation of hypochlorite-oxidize corn starch. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 50, 439-443.

Chong, W.T., Uthumporn, U., Karim, A.A., Yeap, G.Y. and Cheng, L.H. (2013). Optimization of ultrasound assisted hypochlorite oxidation of corn starch by response surface methodology. Journal of Food Research and Technology. 1(2), 59-72.

Tan, T.C., Cheng, L.H., Bhat, R., Rusul, G. and Easa, A.M. (2014). Compoistion, physicochemical properties and thermal inactivation kinetics of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase from coconut (Cocos nucifera) water obtained from immature, mature and overly-mature coconut. Food Chemistry, 121-128.

Sim, S. Y. Noor Aziah, A.A. and Cheng , L.H. (2015). Quality and functionality of Chinese steamed bread and dough added with selected non-starch polysaccharides. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(1), 303-310.


Oral and poster presentation (International)

 1. Oral Presentation at PSU-USM Joint Seminar on “ Food Science and Technology”, held in Pattani, Thailand, in 2009.

     Title of Presentation:  Power ultrasound assisted acid hydrolysis of Konjac Glucomannan (KGM).

2.   Poster Presentation at 11th Agro-Industrial Conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2009.

     Title of Presentation:  Influence of selected ionic gums on pasting and Rheological properties of acid thinned starch Suspension.

3. Oral Presentation at 11th Agro-Industrial Conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2009.

     Title of Presentation: Effects of selected food gums on the wheat flour or dough properties.

4. Poster Presentation at 11th Agro-Industrial Conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2009.

     Title of Presentation: Characterization of wheat starch and tapioca starch blend.

5. Oral Presentation at The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, held in Shanghai, China, in 2010.

     Title of Presentation: Effects of high degree o f hydroxypropylation on sago (Metroxylan sagu) starch and sago starch films

6. Poster Presentation at The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, held in Shanghai, China, in 2010.

     Title of Presentation: Effect of Iota- and Kappa- Carrageenan and plasticizer n mechanical properties and heat sealability of starch     films.

7. Oral Presentation at International Conference on Agriculture and Agro-Industry 2010, held in Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, in 2010.

   Title of Presentation: Physicochemical properties of hypochlorite-oxidized  corn starch: The Influence of ultrasound.

8. Oral Presentation at International Conference on  Agriculture and Agro-Industry 2010, held in Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, in 2010.

    Title of Presentation: Farinograph and extensograph properties of dough added with psyllium husk powder or locust bean gums.

9. Poster Presentation at International Conference on Agriculture and Agro-Industry 2010, held in Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, in 2010.

     Title of Presentation: Characterization of stress relaxation properties and Structural changes of Chinese Steamed Bread Subjected to freeze-thaw cycles.

10. Oral Presentation at The 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Agro-Industry 2014, held in Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, in 2014.

     Title of Presentation: Major mineral profile of house-farmed and cave- harvested edible bird nests.

11.Oral Presentation at 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition on Functional Food, Nutraceuticals, Natural Health Products and Dietary Supplements, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2014.

     Title of Presentation: Antioxidant properties of Oolong and Spent Oolong tea and its effects on hypoglycemic properties.


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School of Industrial Technology, Building G07, Persiaran Sains, Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
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  • Last Modified: Wednesday, 26 March 2025