Dynamic Scanning Calorimetry
Instrument Status: OK
Date Updated: 16 May 2022
Instrument Information
Brand and Model: TA Brand (Q200) & Perkin Elmer (DSC 6)
Description: DSC is used to determine the melting point/glass transition temperature/purity/kinetics, specific heat, crystallization, absorption, and evaporation.
Category: Thermal Analysis
Location: Lab 333, School of Industrial Technology, USM
Lab Category: Centralised Lab
Lab Personnel: Puan Noraida Bukhari (+604 653 3051 ⎪ bnoraida@usm.my)
Rental Rate
PPTI Internal User (final year project undergraduate student):
1. RM20/day, DSC pan not provided
PPTI Internal User (postgraduate student):
1. RM30/day, DSC pan not provided
USM Internal User: RM80/sample (20 deg/min); RM130/sample (10 deg/min); RM230/sample (5 deg/min)
External User: RM130/sample (20 deg/min); RM230/sample (10 deg/min); RM430/sample (5 deg/min)
Rental rates may be changed at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our rental rates at any time without further notice.
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