School of Industrial Technology

IMK105/2 Biochemistry

Course Details

  • Credit: 2
  • Semester: 2
  • Prerequisite: none


This course covers the acid-base chemistry, structure and functions of cell organelles, cell bioenergetics (enzymes kinetics, inhibition and regulation, various metabolic pathways). The course also covers DNA replication, transcription, translation and gene expression.

Course Objective

This course is intended to offer an introduction to the structure, properties, and significance of the major groups of biochemical compounds (amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids). This course will present the bioenergetics principles, enzyme mechanisms and regulation of the central metabolic pathways. Topics include glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate pathway, the citric acid cycle, metabolic regulation of glucose and glycogen metabolism, the urea cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthesis.

Course Content

 ➤ Chapter 1: Aqueous Solutions
 ➤ Chapter 2: Cell
 ➤ Chapter 3: Gene Expression and Replication
 ➤ Chapter 4: Enzyme Kinetics
 ➤ Chapter 5: Bioenergetics and Oxidative Phosphorylation
 ➤ Chapter 6: Carbohydrate Metabolism
 ➤ Chapter 7: Intermediary Metabolism
 ➤ Chapter 8: Lipid Metabolism

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Describe the structure and function of biochemical component cells which will facilitate the understanding of the next courses in the future such as nutrition, food microbiology and food biotechnology.
2. Describe the mechanism of biochemistry in the cell, such as gene expression and replication, as well as various aspects of catalysis enzymes and the concept of bio-energetic.
3. Discuss the process of metabolism involving the process of ATP synthesis and the production of energy from food, as well as its relationship with the macronutrients.
4. Deliver the biochemical information and organized logically.

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Our Location

School of Industrial Technology, Building G07, Persiaran Sains, Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604 653 2219 | Fax: +604-653 6375 | Email:

  • Last Modified: Wednesday, 26 March 2025