Lee Chee Keong
Dr. Lee Chee Keong
I joined Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as a master student in year 2002 after finished my first degree from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in BSc. (Biotechnology). After completed my master study (MSc. Industrial Biotechnology), I continued to pursue my PhD study in the same field and completed my study in year 2010. I joined The School of Industrial Technology as a lecturer in Bioprocess Technology Division in November 2010 as a contract staff. After graduation in March 2011, I was offered as a permanent staff.
Some of the courses that I teach are Enzyme Technology (Theory and Practical), Bioprocess instrumentation and Control, Renewable Biomass, Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation (Theory and Practical) and etc. My main research interests are 1) Production of microbial enzymes via solid state fermentation and submerged fermentation, 2) Lignocellulosic Biotehnaol production, 3) Microalage for Bioethanol and Bioplastic production. I strongly believe that one man show is hardly work in Research and Development. Thus, collaboration and networking is a MUST. Thus, I welcome any potential research collobaration . You can reach me by email or call.
Related SDGs
Contact Information
Tel:+604653 2224
Fax:+604653 6375
Undergraduate Teaching
Enzyme Technology - IBG 311 and IBG214 (Since 2010)
Bioprocess Instrumentation and control - IBK 313 (Since 2011)
Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation - IBG401 (Since 2011)
Bioprocess Research Project - IBA403 (Since 2011)
Ethnic Relations - SHE 101 (Since 2011)
Renewable Biomass- IBK 212 (since 2011)
Practical in Bioreactor System-IBA317 ( Starting 2016)
Research Interest
1. Solid Substrate Fermentation and Submerged Fermentation for Microbial Enzymes Production
2. Cellulosic bioethanol production
3. Microalgae for Bioethanol and Bioplastics Production
Current and Active
As Main Researcher
Lignocellulosic Biomass: Efficiency of Pre-treatment Process and Bioethanol Production via Batch and Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (USM- Short Term Grant)
Marine Microalgae- An Alternative Feedstock for Bioplastics Production (USM-Research Universiti Individual, RUI grant)
As Co-Researcher
Development of electropulsation for the extraction of protein from underutilized agro-source, pinto bean, as an alternative solution to the issue of protein-malnutrition (MOE, ERGS)
Understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of Red Mud (waste obtain from aluminium refinery industries) as algal cell coagulant: Contribute CO2 capture from atmosphere and green energy production (MOE, FRGS)
Past and Completed
As Main Principal Investigator
Screening of Potential Local Isolates for Enzyme Production via Solid State Fermentation Process
Enhancement of cellulolytic enzyme production via solid state fermentation process
Name |
Year |
1. Muhammad Faiz Bin Ahmad Fadzil |
2011-2012 |
2. Ng Hui Wen |
2011-2012 |
3. Rathiqah Azmira Binti Rosli |
2011-2012 |
4. Erna Diana Binti Kamaruddin |
2012-2013 |
5. Lee Si Hui |
2012-2013 |
6. Norfazila Binti Abdul Majid |
2012-2013 |
7. Wan Zhi Heng |
2012-2013 |
8. Farah Amani Binti Abdul Halim |
2013-2014 |
9. Mohd Firdaus Bin Othman |
2013-2014 |
10. Zalikha Hajar Binti Mohd Narazian |
2013-2014 |
11. Zayani Bt Mukhtar |
2014-2015 |
12. Maya Emira Bt Mad Saad |
2014-2015 |
Postgraduate Supervision (Research Mode)
As Main Supervisor
Name |
Year |
1. Tay Wai Yi (Master) |
2013-Present |
2. Farah Amani Binti Abdul Halim (Master) |
2015-Present |
Name |
Year |
1. Tan Sze Jack (Master) |
2013-Present |
2. Siti Fadhilah Bt Musa (Master) |
2013-Present |
3. Renuka A/P Radakrishnan (Master) |
2013-2014 (Graduated) |
4. Ajijolakewu Kamoldeen Abiodun(PhD) |
2013-Present |
Publication in Journal/Book/Book Chapter
Lee Chee Keong*, Darah Ibrahim and Ibrahim Che Omar (2015). Governing Parameters on Xylanase Production Using Developed Bioreactor. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology (accepted).
C.K. Lee* and F. A. Abdul Halim (2014). Oil Palm Fronds Juice: A Potential Feedstock for Bioethanol Production. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 4(12):520-526.
Renuka R., C.K.Lee, M. Hakimi Ibrahim and Norli.I* (2013). Morphological Study of Microbal and Hydrolysis of Coconus Palm Peat (cocos nucifera) Using Worm Tea. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, 3(11):2250-3153.
Darah, I*, C.K.Lee, S.H.Lim and Mohd Naim M.J.N (2013). FERMSOSTAT: A Solid-State Fermentation System. In: Inovasi di Persada Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. 978-967-0334-59-2, 421.
Darah, I*, C.K. Lee, S.H.Lim and Mohd Naim, M.J.N (2013). A Process for Enzymatic Deinking of Papers. In: Inovasi di Persada Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. 978-967-0334-52-9,420.
C.K. Lee*., Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2013). Investigation of newly developed solid state fermenter on carboxymethyl cellulase production. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology Vol 9(3) 2013, pp. 227-236. (SCOPUS).
C.K. Lee*., Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2013). Enzymatic Deinking of Various Types of Waste Paper: Efficiency and Characteristics. Process Biochemistry, 48:299-305. (IF 2.44).
Lee Chee Keong, Darah Ibrahim and Ibrahim Che Omar* (2013). Characterization of Cellulase, Hemicellulase and Lipase and Its Use in Deinking of Laser Printed Paper. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, Vol 9(1):84-92. (SCOPUS).
Lee, C. K*., Darah Ibrahim., Ibrahim Che Omar, and Wan Daud Wan Rosli (2011). Pilot scale enzymatic deinking of mixed office wastepaper and old newspaper. BioResources 6(4), 3809-3823. (IF1.31).
Lee, C. K*., Darah Ibrahim., Ibrahim Che Omar, and Wan Daud Wan Rosli (2011). Enzymatic and chemical deinking of mixed office wastepaper and old newspaper: Paper quality and effluent characteristics. BioResources 6(4), 3859-3875. (IF 1.31).
C. K. Lee*., Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2011). Production and Optimization of Cellulase Enzyme Using Aspergillus niger USM AI 1 and Comparison with Trichoderma reesei Via Solid State Fermentation System. Biotechnology Research International. Doi:10.4061/2011/658493.
C.K. Lee, I. Darah, and C.O. Ibrahim* (2007). Enzymatic deinking of laser printed office waste papers: Some governing parameters on deinking efficiency. Bioresource Technology 98:1684-1689. (IF 4.75).
Viviana Nagy, Eniko R. Toke, Lee Chee Keong, Gabor Szatzker, Darah Ibrahim, Ibrahim Che Omar, Gyorgy Szakacs and Laszlo Poppe (2006). Kinetic resolutions with novel, highly enantioselective fungal lipases produced by solid state fermentation. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 39:141–148. (IF 1.86).
Publication In Proceedings
- C.K.Lee, Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O. and Wan Rosli, W.D. (2010). Comparison of enzymatic and chemical deinking of mixed office wastepaper and old newspaper. Proceedings of the 7th IMTGT UNINET and 3rd Joint International PSU-UNS Conferences. Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand.
Participate In Local and International Exhibitions
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee, C.K. and Pang, P.K. (2009). A Novel Pilot Scale For the Continuous System of Bioenzymatic Deinking For Paper Recycling Industry. The 61st IENA Nuremberg International Exhibition “Ideas, Inventions and Innovations”. 5th-8th November 2009, Nuremberg Germany Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2008). New Dimension in Paper Recycling Technology: Bioenzymatic Deinking. Bio Malaysia 2008 Conference and Exhibition, 7th-9th Oct 2008, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2008). A Novel Pilot Scale for the Continuous System Of Bioenzymatic Deinking For Paper Recycling Industry. 19th Invention, innovation, industrial design and technology exhibition (ITEX), 9th-11th May 2008, Kuala Lumpur Convention Central, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2007). Green Industrial Innovation for Continuous System of Enzymatic Deinking of Printed Waste Papers. 6th Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), 29th – 31st March 2007, Putra World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2006). FERMSOSTAT- A new industrial innovation in solid state fermentation. BioMalaysia 2006 Conference & Exhibition, 6th-8th December 2006, Kuala Lumpur Convention Central, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2006). FERMSOSTAT- A new industrial innovation in solid state fermentation. 55th World Exhibition of Innovation Brussels Eureka, Research and New Technologies. 23rd – 27th November 2006, Brussels BELGIUM.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2006). FERMSOSTAT- A new industrial innovation in solid state fermentation. 17th Invention, innovation, industrial design and technology exhibition (ITEX), 19th -21st May 2006, Kuala Lumpur Convention Central, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Darah, I., Balvinder, K., Lee C. K., Pang, P.K. and Ibrahim, C.O., (2006). ASTA-XDM20, A potential colorant for Aquaculture Industries. Ekspo Industri Asas Tani. 16th-19th February 2006, Putra World Trade Central (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2005). Enzymatic deinking as an environmental friendly solution for recycling of printed papers. Regional workshop on education for sustainable development. 11th-13th April 2005, Pusat Seni USM, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng (2005). Enzymatic deinking as an environmental friendly solution for recycling of printed papers. 33rd International Exhibition of Inventions, Techniques and New Products. 6th-10th April 2005, Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Pang Pei Kheng and Lee Chee Keong (2004). Enzymatic deinking as an environmental friendly solution for recycling of printed papers. Asia Biotechnology exhibition, 9th-11th September 2004, Putra World Trade Central, Kuala Lumpur.
Publications/presentations In Conferences/Seminars
W.Y.Tai, C.K.Lee*, Darah, I (2014). Enhancement of Cellulolytic Enzymes and xylanase Production via mutagenesis techniques. The 9th Regional IM-TGT UNINET. Conference76:
Renuka, R., Norli, I., C.K. Lee., Siti Norfariha, M. N., Nur Farehah, Z.A. and M.H. Ibrahim (2014). Screening of microorganisms from compost tea for fermentable sugars production from rice straw. Proceedings of the International Conference on Beneficial Microbes (ICOBM): Microbes for the Benefits of Mankind, Penang Malaysia, 27-27th May 2014.
C.O. Ibrahim, C.K.Lee (2011). Environmental-Friendly Bio-Technologies for Sustainable Agrowastes Management. International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology & 8th Annual Convention of the Biotech Research Society, India. 47-48.
Lee Chee Keong, Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2009). Biodeinking of Mixed Office Waste Papers. The 2nd USM-Kansai Universities Collaborative Colloquium. 26-27th June 2009, School of Biological Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, MALAYSIA.
Lee Chee Keong, Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2009). Kinetics study of Aspergillus niger USM AI 1 via solid state fermentation process. 2nd Collaborative Conference; Life Science: Synergy for enhancement of quality of life. 10th-11th Feb 2009, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Lee Chee Keong, Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O. and Wan Rosli W.D. (2009). Deinking of Old Newspaper using cellulase and xylanase. 2nd Collaborative Conference; Life Science: Synergy for enhancement of quality of life. 10th-11th Feb 2009, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
C.K.Lee, Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O. and Wan Rosli, W.D. (2008). Process Development of An Enzymatic Deinking System. 6th Regional IMT-GT UNINET Conference, 28th-30th August 2008, Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.
C.K.Lee, Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2008). Production of Cellulase and Xylanase by Aspergillus niger USM AI 1 in Solid State Fermentation Using A Bioreactor System. 6th Regional IMT-GT UNINET Conference, 28th-30th August 2008, Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.
C.K.Lee, P.K.Pang, Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2007). Comparative Evaluation of Cellulase and Xylanase Production by Aspergillus niger USM AI 1 in Solid State Fermentation Using Tray and Bioreactor Systems. International Symposium in Science and Technology. Collaboration between ASEAN Countries in Environment and Life Science. 31st -1st August 2007, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan.
C.K.Lee, Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2007). FERMSOSTAT, A newly designs solid state fermenter. USM-UNAIR 1st collaborative conference, Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals: Enhancing the Quality of life. 13th-14th June 2007, Penang, Malaysia.
Lee Chee Keong., Hii Mei Mei and Ibrahim, C.O. (2004). Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of laser printed Waste papers for the deinking process. 2nd life sciences postgraduate conference. 1st-3rd April 2004, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
Lee Chee Keong., Darah, I. and Ibrahim, C.O. (2003). The use of cellulase, hemicellulase and lipase for the deinking process of laser printed waste papers. 1st National Biology Conference 2003. 14th -16th December 2003, Hotel Cassuarina, Ipoh, Perak.
Awards and Achievement
Lee Chee Keong. USM Sanggar Sanjung Award (2011): Journal Publication Category
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Silver Medal. The 61st IENA Nuremberg International Exhibition “Ideas, Inventions and Innovations”. 5th-8th November 2009, Nuremberg Germany Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Special Award: Best ECO invention of the IENA 2009. The 61st IENA Nuremberg International Exhibition “Ideas, Inventions and Innovations”. 5th-8th November 2009, Nuremberg Germany Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany.
Lee Chee Keong. Best Research Project 2008: Category: PhD, Pure Science cluster.
Lee Chee Keong. USM Sanggar Sanjung Award (2007): Research Products Category.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Gold Medal: BioMalaysia 2008 Conference and Exhibition, 7th-9th Oct 2008, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Gold Medals: 15th, 17th and 19th Invention, innovation, industrial design and technology exhibition (ITEX), May 2004, 2006 & 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Silver Medal. 6th Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), 29th – 31st March 2007, Putra World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Gold Medal & Special Award (Best Jury). 55th World Exhibition of Innovation Brussels Eureka, Research and New Technologies. 23rd – 27th November 2006, Brussels BELGIUM.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Gold Medal: 33rd International Exhibition of Inventions, Techniques and New Products. 6th-10th April 2005, Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland.
Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. Henry Goh Environmental Innovation Award: 15th Invention, innovation, industrial design and technology exhibition (ITEX), 20th-22nd May 2004, Mid Valley exhibition central, Kuala Lumpur.
- Darah, I., Ibrahim, C.O., Lee Chee Keong and Pang Pei Kheng. A solid state fermentation (SSF) system; International: Europe.
Editorial Board Member
- International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science (since 2013)
International Journal of Life Sciences Research (since 2013)
No | Type | Journal/Book/Conference Name | Quantity |
1 | Manuscript |
4th USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium |
3 |
2 | Manuscript |
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology |
9 |
3 | Manuscript |
Journal of Energy Engineering |
1 |
4 | Manuscript |
Current Biotechnology |
1 |
5 | Manuscript |
International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science |
2 |
6 | Manuscript |
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology |
1 |
7 | Manuscript |
International Food research journal |
3 |
8 | Manuscript |
British Microbiology Research Journal |
7 |
9 | Manuscript |
Annual Research & Review in Biology |
3 |
10 | Manuscript |
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology |
2 |
11 | Manuscript |
African Journal of Biotechnology |
2 |
12 | Conference Paper |
International Conference on Beneficial Microbes 2014 |
14 |
13 | Manuscript |
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology |
3 |
14 | Manuscript |
British Biotechnology Journal |
4 |
15 | Manuscript |
Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology |
2 |
16 | Manuscript |
Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery |
1 |
17 | Book Chapter |
Microbiology Monograph |
1 |
Examiner (Master Thesis)
No | Student Name | Thesis Title | Year |
Erna Binti Ahmad
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization Polysaccharides from Theobroma Cocoa Pod
Fazlina Binti Kamarudin
Extraction and Physico-Chemical Characterization of Antioxidative Pectic-Polysaccharide from Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Pods
Oluwaseun Ayodeji Ishola
Metabolic Adaptation of Candida Albicans Biofilms
Examiner (Degree Thesis)
No | Student Name | Thesis Title | Year |
1 | Cik Nabilah Binti Che Deraman | Isolation and screening for amylase producing microorganisms | 2012 |
2 | Gary Hor Kok Chiu | Effect of Sub-lethal Physical treatment and medium optimization on the production of hyaluronic acid by Lactobacilli | 2012 |
3 | Norrabidah Binti Moiden | Biodegradation of anticorrosive phosphonate from wastewater using Spirulina platensis | 2012 |
4 | Nur' Hamizah Zainol@Dali> | Isolation of bacteria that are capable of growing on waste glycerol media | 2012 |
5 | Nur Hidayah Mohd Nurdin | Effect of sub-lethal physical treatment of electroporation on the production of the hyaluronic acid by Bifidobacteria | 2012 |
6 | Nur Izzati Binti Anuar | Mycoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in contaminated water | 2012 |
7 | Siti Fadhilah Binti Musa | Biotreatment of acid mine drainage by mixed culture of sulfate reducing bacteria from wastewater sediment | 2012 |
8 | Tan Sze Jack | Natural Phytochemical From Nephelium lappaceum l. peels using enzyme assisted method | 2012 |
9 | Majdiah Binti Othman | Degradation of PAHs In Presence of Humic Acid By Using Sphingomonas paucimobilis | 2013 |
10 | Chua Kee Yu | Production of Bioethanol from Hydrolysates of agricultural waste using Yeast Strain (N1) Isolated from NIRA | 2013 |
11 | Nor Fauziah Binti Mohd Zain | Optimization of growth of bioplastic producing bacteria in Waste Glycerol for PHA Production | 2013 |
12 | Tan Ee San | Extraction, Optimization and Chracterization of Alternate Protein Isolate from Pinto bean | 2013 |
13 | Nur Farahain Binti Abd Raof | Utilisation of waste glycerol for microbial growth medium | 2013 |
14 | Raihanah Hasaniah Abdullah | Utilisation of molasses for bacterial growth | 2013 |
15 | Rozi Ramli | Mycoremediation of Microcystin-LR in drinking water | 2013 |
16 | Siti Fadzlin Kamila bt Fadzil | Extraction of sugar derivatives from food waste via enzymatic reaction | 2014 |
17 | Muhammad Redzwan bin Tamat | The potential of leachate to be substrate to C. Butyricum | 2014 |
18 | Nor Fatihah binti Abdullah | Effect of surfactants on algal lipid production for biodiesel purpose | 2014 |
19 | Nur Athirah binti Mohd Nordin | Biochemical modulation of biomass and extracellular polymeric substances (eps) production in spirulina Platensis. | 2014 |
20 | Teh Joo Sheang | Proteomic screening of haruan extracts: in search of biologically active proteins | 2014 |
21 |
Nurul Hidayatul Afifah Binti Saufi Sofian |
Enzymatic-extraction, characterization and identification of antioxidative and antidiabetic bioactive peptides from basil seeds |
2014 |
Service to University
Committee at School Level
Type | Detail |
1. Committee Member | Opening ceremony of Zhulian-USM Joint Research Laboratory sponsor by Zhulian Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd (November 2014) |
2. Committee Member | Publicity of School of Industrial Technology (2014-Present) |
3. Webmaster | Website Webmaster of School of Industrial Technology (2012-Present) |
4. Committee Member
International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT) (2015). |
5. Committee member LPP
Audit Laporan Penilaian Prestasi Online (LPP) (2013-Present) |
6. Follow/ Committee Member | Centre For Advanced Analytical Toxicology Services (CAATS), USM Penang (Since 2013). |
7. Committee Member
International Conference of Beneficial Microbes 2014 |
8. Committee Member
(ICT & Publicity)
International Conference on Food Innovation 2014 |
9. Committee Member | Technical Evaluation of Quotations (Bioprocess Technology) |
10. Member | Young Principal Investigator (YUPI) Club |
11. Committee Member
International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT) (2012). |
12. Committee Member | Committee member (Multimedia) at School of Industrial technology (2012-Present). |
13. Coordinator | Bioprocess Technology- Industrial Training (2011-2015). |
14. Dean Representative | Master Student Viva Voce (Miss Ng Yee Fen). Thesis Title: Proteolytic enzymes in fish sauce (BUDU) production (2011). |
15. Committee Member | International Seminar On Solid State Fermentation (2004). |
16. Petugas Pengiraan Undi | Pemilihan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) Sidang Akademik 2012/2013 ( Dewan Utama Pelajar C). |
Service to Community
Fund raising around wet market (Seri Kembangan, Selangor) for flood victims (Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu). 18 January 2015
Volunteer at recycle centre located at Taman Universiti (Serdang, Selangor) recycler centre. 18 January 2015
Visiting flood victims at Kampung Boyan (Pahang)to find out what type of help they need. (2 January 2015)
- Volunteer For Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation (Malaysia) (Since 2014).
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