USM-PSU Postgraduate Development Seminar 2016
USM - PSU Postgraduate Development Seminar 2016
Food Technology Division under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazilah Arrifin have successfully organised Universiti Sains Malaysia - Prince of Songkla University Postgraduate Development Seminar 2016 on July 25th (Monday). A total of 9 students presented their research work. The presenters and the titles are listed below. Tan Chek Chuan, from USM, emerged as the best oral presenter. The seminar finished with a closing lunch Raya style (Raya Gala Lunch).
1. Boshra Varastegani (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Title: The effect of carrier agents on physical and antioxidant activity of spray dried Nigella sativa powder
2. Naveen Kumar Vate (Prince of Songkla University)
Title: Antioxidative activity of squid melanin free-ink in surimi gel and fish muscle based film
3. Ooi Ee Shan (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Title: Comparative study of superheated steam and convectional roasting on the total phenolic content of Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee)
4. Natchaphol Buamard (Prince of Songkla University)
Title: Ethanolic coconut husk extract: Cross-linking activity toward sardine muscle protein and its application in low-setting surimi gel
5. Tan Chek Chuan (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Title: Effect of extraction temperature on the gel strength of gelatin from black tilapia skin
6. Sittichoke Sinthusamran (Prince of Songkla University)
Title: Effect of agar from Gracilaria tenuistipitata on texture and sensory properties of fish gelatin gel
7. Harivaindaran K. Veeriah (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Title: Antioxidant activity of superheated steam torrefacto roasted Nigella sativa L.
8. Sineenart Sukkwai (Prince of Songkla University)
Title: The production and application of colourant from Pacific white shrimp head
9. Jaksuma Pongsetkul (Prince of Songkla University)
Title: Characteristics of endogenous protease of shrimp Acetes vulgaris and Macrobrachium lanchesteri and the changes in proteolytic activity during Kapi production
Click here to watch a short slide show of the seminar.
Click here to download the booklet for USM - PSU Postgraduate Development Seminar 2016.
--- Stay tune for next year seminar at PSU ---
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