IUK208/3 Experimental Design with Computer Applications
Course Details
This course discusses the Replication, Randomisation, Blocking, and Definitions in Experimental Design (Experiment, Treatment, Factor, Level, Experimental unit, Experimental design, Random, Replicate).
Completely Randomised Design: Randomisation, Analysis of variance, equal replication and unequal replication, Estimation of the Model Parameters, Comparison of Individual Treatment Means: Comparing of pair Treatment Means, Comparing with a control, orthogonal contrast.
Randomised Block Design: blocking, Randomised block design, Model and Assumptions, Missing values, Relative efficiency. Latin Square design Incomplete Block design: balanced incomplete block designs, Partially Balanced incomplete block designs.
Factorial Experiments (Designs): General factorial experiments, 2k Factorial experiment, 3k factorial experiment, Confounding, regression analysis, Response surface: Method of steepest ascent, Analysis of second-order model, Location of stationary point, Designs for fitting the first-Order and second-order models. Mixture experiments.
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