School of Industrial Technology

Mohd Rafatullah

 Dr Rafat Dr. Mohd Rafatullah
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Expertise :
Analytical and environmental chemistry


I am presently working as an Academic Staff of Environmental Technology in the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia. I joined this School in the year 2008 as a Post Doctoral Fellow. I have completed my education; Ph. D. in Environmental Chemistry (2007), Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry (2003) and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (2001) from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India.

My research interest is in the areas of environmental pollutants and their safe removal, preparation of various nano-materials to prevent the environment, water and wastewater treatment, adsorption and ion-exchange, adsorption potential of oil palm products and by-products, instrumental methods of analysis, thermodynamic and kinetic studies, and activated carbons and its electrochemical properties. I have published several reviews articles and regular research papers in the journals of international repute and presented my research work in various national and international conferences. I have also attended many workshops and seminars of environmental chemistry.

Related SDGs



  1. Introduction to Environmental Science (IEG 101)
  2. Introduction to Environmental Technology (IEG 102)
  3. Thermodynamics (IEK 107)
  4. Chemistry for Technologist (IUK 107)
  5.  Air Pollution Control Technology (IEK 205)
  6. Unit Operations Laboratory (IEA 201)
  7. Environmental Technology Laboratory (IEA 300)
  8. Undergraduate Final Year Research Project (IUA 313)
  9. Environmental Sampling Techniques (IEA 518)
  10. Environmental Scientific Writing (IEA 506)
  11. Environmental Disaster management (IEG 513)
  12. M. Sc. Research Project (IEA 505)




Environmental pollutants and their safe removal

Preparation of various materials to prevent the environment

Water and wastewater treatment

Adsorption and ion-exchange

Adsorption potential of oil palm products and by-products

Instrumental methods of analysis

Thermodynamic and kinetic studies

Activated carbons and its electrochemical properties





Active sstudents






Google Scholar ID:qVVFi9IAAAAJ


Author ID (Scopus):15050908200




1.   Identification of Anaerobic Microbial communities for the Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Wastewater, Yee-Shian Wong, Tjoon Tow Teng, Soon-An Ong, M. Norhashimah & M. Rafatullah,2014 International Conference on Environmental Science and Biological Engineering (ESBE2014), August 19-20, 2014 Beijing, China

2. Volatile Fatty Acid and Biogas Profile in the Anaerobic Degradation Process of Palm Oil Mill Wastewater, Tjoon Tow Teng, Yee-Shian Wong, Soon-An Ong, M. Norhashimah & M. Rafatullah, 2014 International Conference on Environmental Science and Biological Engineering (ESBE2014), August 19-20, 2014 Beijing, China

3. Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Cadmium-Resistant Pantoea sp.            RL 32.2 from Industrial Wastewater, Syed Zaghum Abbas, M. Rafatullah, Norli Ismail, Japareng Lalung, International Conference on Beneficial        Microbes, 27-29 May, 2014, Penang, Malaysia.

 4.  Anaerobic acidogenesis biodegradation of palm oil mill effluent using Suspended Closed Anaerobic Bioreactor (SCABR) at mesophilic temperature, Y. S. Wong, T. T. Teng, S. A. Ong, M. Norhashimah, M. Rafatullah and H. C. Lee, 2013 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology (2013 ISEST), 4-7 June, 2013, Dalian, Liaoning, China.

5.   Start-up operation of anaerobic degradation process for palm oil mill effluent in anaerobic bench scale reactor (ABSR), T. T. Teng, Y. S. Wong, S. A. Ong, M. Norhashimah, M. Rafatullah, 2013 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology (2013 ISEST), 4-7 June, 2013, Dalian, Liaoning, China.

6.     Fabrication, Characterization and Analytical Applications of novel ion exchange adsorbent, R. Bushra, M. Shahadat, A. Ahmad, S.A. Nabi, M. Rafatullah, International Conference in Chemistry- Frontiers & Challenges 2013, 2-3 March, 2013, Aligarh, India.

7.     Removal of pesticides from water and wastewater through adsorption, M. Rafatullah, T.T. Teng, N. Morad, O. Sulaiman, A. Ahmad, R. Bushra, International Conference in Chemistry- Frontiers & Challenges 2013, 2-3 March, 2013, Aligarh, India.

8.     Determination of concentration of particulate matters in the laboratories and their potential health risks to the laboratory users, N. Abidin, M. Rafatullah, M. I. Ahmad, The International Environment and Health Conference 2012 (IEHC 2012), 6-7 June 2012, Penang, Malaysia.

9.      Effect of pH on adsorption of nickel(II) ions in the synthetic wastewater by modified Imperata cylindrical leaf powder, Z. Li, T. T. Teng, A. F. M. Al-Karkhi and M. Rafatullah, The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2012), 30 May-1 June, 2012, Penang, Malaysia.

10.     Comparison of physically and chemically activated carbons obtained from Acacia mangium wood, M. Danish, R. Hashim, O. Sulaiman, M. Rafatullah, M.N.M. Ibrahim, 2nd symposium of USM fellowship 2011: 23-24 Nov. 2011, Penang Malaysia.

11.     Comparison of surface functional groups of CaO and phosphoric acid activated carbons of Acacia mangium wood, M. Danish, R. Hashim, M.N.M. Ibrahim, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman, Regional Conference on Local Knowledge 2011: 10-11 October 2011, Kampong Tong Senik Resort, Langkawi Malaysia.

12.     Adsorption behaviour of methyl orange from aqueous solutions using oil palm leaf powder, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman, R. Hashim and A. Ahmad, International Conference on Chemistry: Frontier and Challenges, March 05-06, 2011, Aligarh, India.

13.  Characterization of activated carbon fibres from Acacia mangium wood prepared in the presence of acid and base activating agents, M. Danish, R. Hashim, M. Rafatullah and O. Sulaiman, 4th USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium 2011: Jan 18-20, 2011, Penang, Malaysia.

14.  Biosorption of heavy metal from aqueous solutions by bamboo sawdust, O. Sulaiman N. S. Ghani, M. Rafatullah, R. Hashim, and A. Ahmad, the 4th International Conference on Postgraduate Education (ICPE-4), 26-28 November, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

15.  Sorption behaviour of chromium (III) from aqueous solutions using oil palm frond powder, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman, R. Hashim, A. Ahmad and M. Danish, International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment, October 29-30, 2010, Aligarh, India.

16.  Preparation of activated carbon fibres from Acacia mangium wood: A comparative study of activating agents, M. Danish, R. Hashim, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman and A. Ahmad, 16th Malaysian Chemical Congress (16MCC) 2010, October 12–14, 2010 Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

17.  Adsorption of Zinc (II) ions from aqueous solutions by bamboo sawdust, N. S. Ghani, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman and R. Hashim, A. Ahmad, The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology, 2nd-4th June, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

18.  Biosorption of copper (II) ions from aqueous solution by oil palm leaves, M. H. M. Amini, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman, R. Hashim, and A. Ahmad, The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology, 2nd-4th June, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

19.  Sorption behaviour of methyl orange from aqueous solutions using oil palm trunk fiber, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman and R. Hashim, A. Ahmad, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences [NSRTCS-2010], 24th-25th Feb, 2010, Aligarh,  India.

20.  Kinetic modeling to remove methyl orange from aqueous solutions using oil palm trunk fiber, O. Sulaiman, M. Rafatullah, R. Hashim and A. Ahmad, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences [NSRTCS-2010], 24th-25th Feb, 2010, Aligarh, India.

21.  Adsorption behaviour of meranti sawdust in the removal of cadmium (II) from aqueous solutions, M. Rafatullah, O. Sulaiman and R. Hashim, The 2nd Thammasat University International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering, 3-4 March, (2009), Bangkok, Thailand.

22.  Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution using date (Phoenix dactylifera) stone and sawdust derived adsorbents, M. Danish, A. Ahmad, M. Shamsuzzoha and M. Rafatullah, 2nd Bihar Science Conference 2009, 30 Jan -01 Feb, (2009), Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.

23.  Comparative Studies on the Removal of copper (II) from aqueous solution using different adsorbents, A. Ahmad, M. Rafatullah and Qasimullah, International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology, 28 May–30 May (2008), Park Royal, Penang, Malaysia ISBN 180N-978-983-3986-29-3.

24. Removal of Arsenic (III) from aqueous solutions through adsorption on activated carbon, A. Ahmad and M. Rafatullah, All India Seminar on Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, 15-16 Feb, (2008), Aligarh, India.


 Citations and publications:

Researcher ID:C-8191-2009

Author ID (Scopus):15050908200

Google Scholar ID:qVVFi9IAAAAJ


Guest Editor of special issues,

  Water: Analysis, Treatment, and Reuse (

Journal of Chemistry

ü  Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung and Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan in publication category (certificate and cash prize) for the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.

ü  Fellowship of University Grant Commission (India)

ü  Life Membership of Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology (ISSST)

ü  Member of European Desalination Society (EDS)

ü  Research article reviewers of various scientific journals (More than 100 research articles reviewed)

ü  Scientific committee member of International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2012, ICERT 2015, ICERT 2017, ICERT 2020)




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  • Last Modified: Sunday, 09 March 2025