Fazilah Ariffin
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Fazilah bt. Ariffin | ||
fazilah@usm.my | ||
Ext: Ext:5208 | ||
I’m Associate Professor Dr Fazilah Ariffin an academic staff in School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Of Sains Malaysia. Has been attached to the Food Science Divison for almost 15 years.
My research work focuses mainly in the area of food biopolymers ( starch and starch blend coating and edible film with anti microbial properties), flavours from tropical fruits and herbs, utilization of agricultural waste from oil palm (Sap and palm kernel cake) and birds and poultry processing industry.
I am also actively involve with the starch committee in developing Malaysian Standards with Department of Standards Malaysia and SIRIM berhad the national standard and accreditation body of Malaysia.
Related SDGs
- Chemical Analysis of Foods
- Food Packaging
- Food Preservation
- Food Ingredients
Currently supervise 3 PhD and 2 master students
- Norakma Md. Noor MSc (2007). The effects of hydrotermal treatment of the physico-chemical properties of oil palm frond (OPF) derived hemicellulose. (main supervisor)
- Maizura Murad MSc (2008). The chemical physical, mechanical and microbiological of edible film incooperate with lemongrass oil. (main supervisor)
- Ani Fadlina Mustafa MSc (2008). ‘Kajian keatas teh misai kucing (ortosiphon stamineus) yang dihasilkan secara fermentasi enzimatik. (main supervisor)
- Zaleha Ismail MSc (2008). Pencirian sifat-sifat fiziko-kimia hemisellulosa terekstrak alkali daripada pelepah kelapa sawit (elaeis guineensis) (main supervisor)
- Norhaliza Abd Halim MSc (2009). Characterization Of Physico-Chemical And Film Properties Of Hemicellulose From Oil Palm Frond (Elaeis Guineensis). (Main Supervisor)
- Hazana Razalii MSc (2009). Production, Characterization And Applicationof Bioflocculant On Cu(II) And Pb(II) Removal In Synthetic Wastewater . (Co supervisor)
- Arnieyanti Abdul Hadi MSc (2009). Examining Factors Affecting Safety In The Preparation And Serving Of Bulk Food . (Co Supervisor)
- Farah Salina Hussin MSc (2011). Preparation and characterization of xylo-oligosaccarides from oil palm frond (Elaeis Guineensis). (Main Supervisor)
- Umi shafiqah Mat Salleh MSc (2011). Effects of ultraviolet treatment on the mechanical and physical properties of edible starch blend films (main supervisor)
- Chew Shio Heong MSc (2011). Development of pegaga (centella asiatica) herbal tea by fermentation process and its quality characterization (main supervisor)
- Ishamri Ismail MSc (2011). Functional properties, changes during storage and application of “duckrimi” (surimi-like material from duck meat) on sausage. (co supervisor)
- Tharindu Gallage DP MSc (2011). Characterization of the physico-chem aspects of palm kernel cake (co supervisor)
Journals (recent publications)
- Ishamri Ismail, Nurul Huda, Fazilah Ariffin and Noryati Ismail (2010) Effects of washing on the functional properties of duck meat. International journal of Poultry Science 9 (6): 550-555.
- M.A. Asgar. A. Fazilah, Nurul Huda, Rajeev Bhat and A.A. Karim (2010). Non meat protein alternatives as meat extenders and meat analogs. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 9 (5): 513-529
- Nurul Huda and Fazilah Ariffin (2010). Production and properties of Malaysian fish crackers. INFOFISH International 2/2010. 32-36
- A. A.Karim. Bhupinder Kaur, A. Fazilah (2010). Ozone-induced changes of antioxidant capacity of fresh-cut tropical fruits. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies (Article in Press. doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2010.08.008).
- Mohammad Alothman, A. A.Karim. Bhupinder Kaur, A. Fazilah , Rajeev Bhat (2010). Alcoholic-Alkaline Treatment of Sago Starch and its Effect on Physicochemical Properties. Journal Food and Bioproducts Processing (Article in Press. doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2010.09.003).
- Nor Nadiha, M.Z., A. Fazilah, R. Bhat and A. A. Karim* (2010). Comparative susceptibilities of sago, potato and corn starches to alkali treatment. Food Chemistry, 121:1053-1059.
- Asgar, M.A., A. Fazilah, N. Huda, R. Bhat and A. A. Karim* (2010). Nonmeat Protein Alternatives as Meat Extenders and Meat Analogs. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9:513-529
- Alothman, M., Kaur, B., A. Fazilah, R. Bhat and A. A. Karim* (2010). Ozone-induced changes of antioxidant capacity of fresh-cut tropical fruits. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 11:666-6
- I. Ismail, N. Huda*, A. Fazilah and N. Ismail (2010). Effects of washing on the functional properties of duck meat. International Journal of Poultry Science, 9(6):556-56171.
- Chew, Shio Heong, Kaur, Bhupinder, N. Huda, A. A. Karim and A. Fazilah* (2011). Effect of fermentation on the composition of centella asiatica tea. American Journal of Food Technology, 6(7):581-593..
- A. Fazilah*, Chew, S. H., Bhupinder, K., A. A. Karim and N. Huda (2011). Antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of Centella asiatica herbal teas.. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91:2731-2739.
- I. Ismail, N. Huda* and A. Fazilah (2011). Surimi-like material from poultry meat and its potential as a surimi replacer. Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 5(1):1-12.
- A. Fazilah and A. A. Karim* (2011). Alcoholic-alkaline treatment of sago starch and its effect on physicochemical properties. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 89:463-471
- A. Fazilah, R. Bhat, C.P.Leh and A. A. Karim* (2012). Effect of deproteinization on degree of oxidation of ozonated starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 26:339-343.
- A. Fazilah, R. Bhat and A. A. Karim* (2012). Progress in starch modification in the last decade. Food Hydrocolloids, 26:398-404.
- R. Bhat*, Goh WN, A. Rosma, Kaur B, A. Fazilah and A. A. Karim (2011). Fermentation of black tea broth (Kombucha): I. Effects of sucrose concentration and fermentation time on the yield of microbial cellulose. International Food Research Journal , 19:1-5.
- R. Bhat*, Goh WN, A. Rosma, Kaur B, A. Fazilah and A. A. Karim (2011). Microstructure and physical properties of microbial cellulose produced during fermentation of black tea broth (Kombucha) II. International Food Research Journal , 19:1-5.
- Shariffa, Y.N, Uthumporn, U.*, A. Fazilah and A. A. Karim (2012). Effects of NaOH treatment of cereal starch granules on the extent of granular starch hydrolysis. Colloid and Polymer Science. (0303-402X), 290:1481-1491.
- Uthumporn, U.*, A. A. Karim and A. Fazilah (2012). Defatting Improves the Hydrolysis of Granular Starch using a Mixture of Fungal Amylolytic Enzymes. Industrial Crops and Products. (0926-6690 ).
- N. Huda*, Fatma, Y., A. Fazilah and Adzitey, F. (2012). Chemical composition, colour and sensory characteristics of commercial Serunding (shredded Meat) in Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 11(1):1-4.
- Nopianti, R., N. Huda*, Ismail, N., A. Fazilah and A.M. Easa (2012). Cryoprotective effect of low-sweetness sugar on protein denaturation of threadfin bream surimi (Nemipterus spp) during frozen storage. Cyta Journal of Food, 10(3):243-250.
- Nopianti, R., N. Huda*, Ismail, N., A. Fazilah and A.M. Easa (2012). Effect of different types of low sweetness sugar on physicochemical properties of threadfin bream surimi (Nemipterus spp) during frozen storage. International Food Research Journal, 19(3):1011-1021.
- Hui-Tin Chan, A. Fazilah, R. Bhat, C.P.Leh and A. A. Karim* (2012). Effect of deproteinization on degree of oxidation of ozonated starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 26: 339-343.
- Bhupinder Kaur, A. Fazilah, R. Bhat and A. A. Karim* (2012). Progress in starch modification in the last decade. Food Hydrocolloids, 26:398-404.
- Abdorreza Mohammadi Nafchi*, Roghayeh Nassiri, Samira Shibani, Fazilah Ariffin and A. A. Karim (2013). Preparation and characterization of bionanocomposite films filled with nanorod-rich zinc oxide. Carbohydrate polymers (in press)
Proceedings (most recent)
- A. Fazilah*,T.M.Saifuddin,A. A. Karim,N. Huda 2010. food inovation asia conference 2010. effect of egg powder and soy protein isolate on the physicochemical properties of chicken-mushroom franfurter , Bangkok, Thailand, pp.
- A. Fazilah*,A. A. Karim,MS Ummi shafiqah 2010. International conference on enviromental research and technology (ICERT 2010). physical and mechanical properties of starch blend treated UV films, penang, Malaysia, pp.
- A. Fazilah*,Neo Soo Yee,MS ummi shafiqah,Mohd Effendi Z 2010. International conference on enviromental research and technology (ICERT 2010). Effect of different starch blend edible coating on refrigerated strawberry, penang, Malaysia, pp.
- A. Fazilah*,A. A. Karim,Ummi Syafiqah MS (2010). Study on the effect of ultraviolet treatment on the physical and mechanical properties os sago-mung bean starch blend film. 10 Food Hydrocolloid conference. :
- Norli.I*,Hazana. R,M. Hakimi Ibrahim,A. Fazilah (2010). Bioflocculant producing bacteria from industrial area closed drainage system: The effectiveness of the Cu(II) and Pb(II) removal in synthetic wastewater.. The First International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management, March 3-5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- B. Kaur,A. Fazilah,A. A. Karim* (2010). Characterization of alcohol-alkali treated starch. The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference.Shanghai, China
- B. Kaur,A. Fazilah,R. Bhat,A. A. Karim* (2010). Progress in starch modification in the last decade. The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference. Shanghai, China
- Nemati, M.,A. Fazilah*,N. Huda (2011). The effects of different methods for bone extraction on the physical and che,ical properties of tuna bone as a potential calcium source. 2nd Symposium of USM Fellowship. Pp.55.
- A. Fazilah*,Syazana.S (2012). International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2012). Characterization of syrup produced from the sap of an old oil palm (elaeis guineensis) trunk, Penang, Malaysia, pp.
- Nik Aisyah, N. M.,N. Huda*,A.M. Easa,A. Fazilah (2012). Poultry as an Alternative Source of Gelatin. 3rd International Symposium on Wellness, Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition 2012. 62:
- N. Huda*,Seow, E. K.,Normawaty, M. N.,Nik Aisyah, N. M.,A. Fazilah,A.M. Easa (2012). Improving the physicochemical properties of low grade surimi with the addition of duck feet collagen. 3rd International Symposium on Wellness, Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition 2012. 112:
Chapters in book
- M.S.U Syafiqah, A. Fazilah, A.A Karim. (2010). Effects of Ultarviolet treatment on the mechanical and physical properties of edible film from sago and mung bean. In Gum and Stabilizers for food Industry 15. RSC publishing, Cambridge, UK Pp 301-308
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